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Date 2021/07/17 15:07:20
Name 나주꿀
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Subject [유머] ???: 업계 종사자인데 게임에 고증 오류가 있네요? (수정됨)

워썬더를 플레이하던 챌린저2 전차장이,

인게임 장갑 스펙이 현실 고증하고 다르다고 주장하려고 본인이 가지고 있는 문건을 온라인에 올렸다가,

기밀문서를 유출한 혐의로 적발.

During the course of the original anime film Ghost in the Shell, director asks, and ambitious question, in a world where humans can merge with machine. He asks, the viewer. What is it? That makes us fundamental human.

It's A Beautiful film with a sprawling world. That as cliche as this sounds really, makes you think

Hollywood's 100 million-dollar remake Falls far short of the original concept.
It also completely bombed at the box office losing, losing at least 60 million dollars.
The Ghost, in the Shell remake is not alone.
Virtually every Hollywood anime adaptation is critically panned and doesn't make any money.


Well, for the most part, they're just not good.
Justin civicus is a writer for anime News Network.

He believes it's the Practical differences between film and Anime.

That lend a hand to Hollywood slops

when we see an animated charger. We're never thinking about the actor. We never thinking about the day on the set.
We very much lose ourselves in that fantasy world.
So a lot of things that are really fanciful and interesting and animation, just don't work in like that. So they're just kind of dumb


The Dragon Ball franchise is a great example. It first aired in 1986 and follows the adventures of a human-like alien child who protects Earth by fighting otherworldly enemies, as the series continues, the battle scenes, become epic of the characters, fire rays of energy at each other. As you can imagine. This is absolutely cringe-worthy and Hollywood's 2009 adaptation.
Oh my God

so why are comic book movies So successful?
Given that they also feature characters with superpowers and ambitious fight scenes. It has to do with the source material,

adaptations of the existing comic book is very freewheeling. They don't have to change where it takes place, because it's already in a western land troops that are already familiar to filmmakers.

There's a lot of shared visual language between American comic books and movies
because they've influenced each other greatly over.

Our favorite superheroes exist in cities We live in
when some evil force threatens, New York City, for example, that means something to American audiences

in that sense,. The book adaptations already have a leg up on anime adaptation.

I think A lot of times filmmakers go into an anime out of Without really fully understanding what made the anime man or its original manga compelling in the first place.

Netflix, Death Note is an example of this,
in the original anime series, the main character light stumbles upon a supernatural notebook.
If you write someone's name in that book, that person then dies.

Light. Feels like a judge and goes on to kill, hundred, taking up a pseudonym cheetah. So, no one knows who he is or how he kills

there are a plethora of rules though. For instance. You have to write how the person dies within 42nd.

Otherwise, it'll just died of a heart attack. The many rules for the book and how they complicate things is part of why people love the series.
But the Netflix adaptation for goes, all of this, is that what we're going to do with the note?
Like rules and warnings,

the adaptation also fails to understand why viewers of the original series, love the characters, specifically, in the anime.
Light is a smart kid, from a nice supportive family. That's what makes his choice to become death sentence or so interesting.

In the adaptation though. Lights. Mom is killed by people who get away with it. Making his motive to kill people, much more obvious and straightforward.

It's indicative of how complex. Ideas are Lost in Translation when being adapted.

Obviously, a lot is going to be lost because what the original filmmaker wanted to say example,  Ghost in the Shell was not going to be replicated by a director, making a Ghost in the Shell film.
That was not the same movie.

Let's look at a specific scene from the anime.
Police are pursuing a man who steals and Destroy people's memories at the end of the conflict.
They realized the man is part machine and had been programmed to commit these crimes.

So at the end of that fight scene, where you're like, oh there was nothing. Nothing behind that Hugh. He's just kind of this poor lost soul that has been programmed to be the skin of this foot soldier and now he's just kind of lost without purpose and that was really haunted.

This scene is recreated in the 2017 remake and why No, greater purpose to the story is just a fight scene

in general. The remake of streamlined into a simple story about the protagonist quest for her memories, losing the deeper, meaning of the original story

for better, anime adaptations Hollywood needs to do two things.

First. They need to do a much better job at figuring out Exactly which anime is going to translate well into live action.

Once they do that.
They need to be sure of why fans like the anime in the first place

for a genre of animation. Chock-full, of Amazing Stories. In beautifully complex ideas. This really shouldn't be that hard for Hollywood Studios to figure out.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

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